The Hermeneutics of John Calvin
This book presents a new model for analyzing Calvin's biblical interpretation, rescuing him from the quagmire of anachronistic interpretations.
The manuscripts disclose the reformer's preaching on the book as a whole, including the visions on the restoration of Israel, Gog and Magog, and the great temple vision.
John Calvin's use of the Bible was so powerful in sermons, commentaries, and theology because of the necessary step he takes to bridge the time gap from the ancient Scriptures to his audience in 16th Century Geneva.
For anyone who wishes to understand the historical tensions that existed in Calvin's time with regard to the interpretation of scripture, this book will be of great value.
The coherence of this volume arises from the way in which John Calvin serves as the centering focus of various disciplines and scholarly approaches that touch on the life of the church.
This is the first monograph devoted to divine accommodation in the writings of John Calvin.
A highly involved and intriguing look at the book of John, John Calvin interacts with the text in a way that most other commentators of his time have never done.
In this work, the author argues that the concept of salvation in evangelical Christian thought as postulated in the works of the French Reformer John Calvin and that of African Traditional Religions do not connote the same idea nor lead to ...
A unique resource for the study of John Calvin's theology, its reception, and insights for today.