This is the original classic about Short Form, the most popular and widespread form of T'ai Chi in the West. T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a must-read for every serious T'ai Chi student.
Her images truly grace the pages of this book . My student Stan Evers for his interest and persistent encouragement for me to complete this work . Introduction The Basis for the Relationship of T'ai Chi and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xiji.
Analysis of rich new material allows Wile to make a fresh survey of longstanding issues: the origins of T'ai-chi; the authorship of the classics; the differences between Wu, Yang, and Li; and the roles of such figures as Chang San-feng, ...
For the student who has already mastered the basic postures, this book addresses itself to the philosophy behind the system of movements and to all the variations possible.
Because the Before Heaven sequence of postures is the foundation of all T'ai Chi forms, this book provides valuable advice for all practitioners, regardless of the style they practice or the depth of their experience.
In classical Tai Chi, these aspects form an inseparable unity. In this guide to the classical Yang style, Petra and Toyo Kobayashi present the foundations of T'ai Chi Ch'uan and give comprehensive insights into its methods.
A handbook of the classical Chinese literature on which the art of t'ai chi is based. First English translation of the classic texts of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. This is required reading for practitioners of every style.
This led me once to tell the three seniors that the one person in the club who best exemplified Tai Chi was this junior. That man who has since become a teacher of the art is the author if this book." -Robert W. Smith, from the Preface
The book also provides explanations of the meaning of this ancient and elegant martial art--its name and history--the keys to understanding the Thirteen Movements, archival photographs of Lien-Ying performing the movements, and other ...
Master the Chinese martial art of T'ai Chi with this accessible, illustrated guide. T'ai-chi (Tai Chi) is an effortless and rhythmical art that stresses slow breathing, balanced and relaxed postures, and absolute calmness of mind.