Start with Chaucer, Dickens, Blake and Larkin in Westminster Abbey. Hop on a bus through Zadie Smith's North London or spend an afternoon at Colliers Wood Nature Reserve in Nottinghamshire and look at the lake "all grey and visionary, stretching into the moist, translucent vista of trees and meadow" that D. H. Lawrence described in Women in Love. Come back to London to walk along Monica Ali's Brick Lane and try to push a trolley through the wall of Platform 93/4 at King's Cross Station. From the Brontë parsonage in Haworth to Waugh's Castle Howard; from Beatrix Potter's Lake District, Shakespeare's Stratford and Robert Louis Stevenson's Edinburgh, there are gardens, monuments, museums, churches and a surprising quantity of stained glass. There are walks both urban and rural, where you can explore real landscapes or imaginary haberdasher's shops. There's the club where Buck's Fizz was invented and a pub where you can eat Sherlock's Steak & Ale Pie. And there's a railway station where you can stroke the muzzle of one of the world's most famous and endearing bears.
"تخيل أنك كتبت قصة شائعة جدًّا لدرجة أن القُرّاء ما زالوا يقرؤونها بعد 100 عام من الآن".- ماريلو توسينانت - The Washington post"آن هي المحفز، الذي يسمح لماريلا الهشة والجامدة...
The adventures featured in this atmospherically illustrated book will fuel the wine lover's imagination with an almost endless array of vineyard visits, must-see sights, and must-do events--harvest festivals, vineyard picnics, wine-region ...
Love mermaids?
a beat as she pulls out two identical laminated sheets with the typed heading LIFE-CHANGING VACATION LIST. “Who are you and where did you bury ... But I guess it's more like a small-town romance novel experience list than a bucket list.
Love coffee?
Whether you're a beginner, an experienced yogi or somewhere in between, you can take your obsession on the road and around the world with this bucket list for yoga lovers.
RESOURCES Explore the Literary South For lovers of literature, Oxford, Mississippi, is a famed destination. Plan a trip of several days, check into a comfy spot, and settle in to soak up the atmosphere.
You Are About to Start Reading Smarter! How much knowledge and awesome ideas did you get from the books you've read -- only to forget them, and quickly?
There's so much of the world you can explore together beyond going to the dog park. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination.
It comes with plenty of space to write down the book title, author, characters, plot summary and memorable quotes and more. You can record the books you have lent or borrowed as well as your favorite books or your book bucket list.