We all want to get to yes, but what happens when the other person keeps saying no? How can you negotiate successfully with a stubborn boss, an irate customer, or a deceitful coworker?In Getting Past No, William Ury of Harvard Law School s Progr
Describes a method of negotiation that isolates problems, focuses on interests, creates new options, and uses objective criteria to help two parties reach an agreement
... of Personality and Social Psychology 794 (1987); Robert J. Sternberg and Lawrence J. Soriano, “Styles of Conflict Resolution,” 47 Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology 115 (1984), it is uncontestable that contextmatters.
The co-author of the best-selling Getting to Yes explains how to use the word "No" effectively and in a positive way to defend one's personal interests in personal and professional situations while preserving one's relationships with others ...
This updated edition includes: This updated edition includes: · An easy-to-take "Negotiation I.Q." test that reveals your unique strengths as a negotiator · A brand new chapter on reliable moves to use when you are short on bargaining ...
This powerful book will help increase your confidence and results as you learn how to bust tough sales objections you face every day!" —Mike Weinberg, author of New Sales.
These are revenue (how much will Liz pay out and how much will Terry receive for a season's harvest); what quality produce will Terry provide Liz; reliability (of Terry's supply to Liz, and of Liz as a customer for Terry); and what type ...
Don't let yourself be run by unconscious and automatic reactions. Read the reviews below from award winners, researchers, academics and best selling authors to learn how to take control of your life.
Leading business scholar Guhan Subramanian provides a lively tour of both negotiation and auction theory, then takes an in-depth look at his own hybrid theory, outlining three specific strategies readers can use in complex dealmaking ...
Self Help.
In this pioneering book, negotiation expert Peter Johnston surprises us with answers to these far-flung questions, laying out unique strategies and concrete steps we can all use to handle the growing number of giants in our personal and ...