What is the greenhouse effect? - Greenhouse gases including, carbon dioxide, methane, CFC's, nitrous oxide and ozone - Climatic change - Effect on ice caps and oceans - Effects on living conditions - Preventative measures - Political responsese_
Embedded in this story are factual descriptions of the relevant science for readers to give analytic thought to global warming. Alex Cook is the pseudonym for Clyde R. Burnett, a retired physics professor and atmospheric scientist.
This book lays out how the makeup of Earth's atmosphere can affect everything living beneath it, and how human activities - from cutting down trees to burning fossil fuels - are changing the climate worldwide.Glaciers are melting.
The development community needs to outline a policy and research program for sustainable economic development which addresses the implications of possible climate effects of greenhouse gases. The greatest opportunities lie...
Climate Change: Evidence and Causes is a jointly produced publication of The US National Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society.
This is the so-called greenhouse effect. The greater the concentration of these greenhouse gases, the more pronounced will be the effect.
Review of the greenhouse effect and climatic change, including a definition of the issue; the relationships between atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate; sources of carbon dioxide such as forest fuels...
A Warmer World: The Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change
The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and U.S. Forests
Students explore this crucial topic in a wide variety of formats, from hands-on science activities and experiments to a simulation game, analysis of articles, a story about an island threatened...
The Greenhouse Effect: Issues for Policy Makers