One-volume primer assuming no knowledge of the game. It contains sufficient material for the beginner to be able to attend a club or social gathering with confidence.
There are three unique things about this book: (1) It is the first book in about 40 years to deal with the entire game of bridge, (2) It represents the best thinking of modern day experts and (3) It is expecially well organized and easy to ...
Other award winning books published by Frank are “Winning Defense for the Advancing Bridge Player,” “Frank ... David has also written several other award winning books including “Notrump Contracts,” “Miracles of Card Play,” “Win at ...
“52 Great Bridge Tips on Declarer Play” are 3 books that must be included in any expert's bridge book collection. ... David has also written several other award winning books including “Notrump Contracts,” “Miracles of Card Play,” “Win ...
David has also written several other award winning books including “Notrump Contracts,” “Miracles of Card Play,” “Win at Bridge in 30 Days,” “Secrets of Expert Card Play,” “Secrets of Expert Defense,” and “Defensive Signaling at Bridge.
David has also written several other award winning books including “Notrump Contracts,” “Miracles of Card Play,” “Win at Bridge in 30 Days,” “Secrets of Expert Card Play,” “Secrets of Expert Defense,” and “Defensive Signaling at Bridge.
Five Weeks to Winning Bridge
"Check-back" quizzes at the end of each lesson reinforce what has been learned and establish what needs to be worked on further. For anyone who has ever yearned to learn the game, this is your ticket to victory.
new edition: Learn how to play the classic game with full step-by-step instructions, techniques and tactics for players of all ages, skills and experience.
96pp . 9 % x 12 % . 29265-7 MAKING FURNITURE MASTERPIECES : 30 Projects with Measured Drawings , Franklin H. Gottshall . Step - by - step instructions , illustrations for constructing handsome , useful pieces , among them a Sheraton ...