Adam Smith is celebrated all over the world as the author of The Wealth of Nations and the founder of modern economics. A few of his ideas – that of the ‘Invisible Hand’ of the market and that ‘It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest’ - have become icons of the modern world. Yet Smith saw himself primarily as a philosopher rather than an economist, and would never have predicted that the ideas for which he is now best known were his most important. This book, by one of the leading scholars of the Scottish Enlightenment, shows the extent to which The Wealth of Nations and Smith’s other great work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, were part of a larger scheme to establish a grand ‘Science of Man’, one of the most ambitious projects of the European Enlightenment, which was to encompass law, history and aesthetics as well as economics and ethics.Nicholas Phillipson reconstructs Smith’s intellectual ancestry and formation, of which he gives a radically new and convincing account. He shows what Smith took from, and what he gave to, the rapidly changing and subtly different intellectual and commercial cultures of Glasgow and Edinburgh as they entered the great years of the Scottish Enlightenment. Above all he explains how far Smith’s ideas developed in dialogue with those of his closest friend, the other titan of the age, David Hume. This superb biography is now the one book which anyone interested in the founder of economics must read.
From the bestselling author of 'An English Affair', a dazzlingly original thematic biography which throws fresh light on the greatest economist of the twentieth century.
Royal Professor Ungku A. Aziz: Writing for the Nation
J. , Pedro de : La Encíclica de Pío VII ( 30 de enero de 1816 ) sobre la Revolución Hispanoamericana .-- Sevilla , 1948. ... 60 Calderón Quijano , José Antonio : Fortificaciones en Nueva España . - Sevilla , 1953.
从棒球,音乐到经济学,出身于单身家庭的格林斯潘凭借极强的自律性,在乌烟瘴气的环境中牢牢把握住了自己,并迅速找到了人生的正确方向.依靠出众的数据挖据能力 ...
本书呈现给我们的, 不仅是一个保罗·沃尔克, 更是一套理论, 一段历史.它让读者了解了一个真实而完整的"英雄"沃尔克, 以及他所推动的每一次重大变革及其深渊意义, ...
7 Edward S. Mason, "The Harvard Department of Economics from the Beginning to World War II," Quarterly Journal of Economics 97, no. 3 (August 1982): 383- 433. 8 This reconstruction is based on the characters and personalities of these ...
"Today, more than a half century since his writing first won him widespread acclaim, Canadian-born Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith remains the world's most famous living economist.
Politicians and generals cannot win wars if they do not have the resources. This book tells the human stories behind the economics of wartime.