The life and works of William Morris continue to excite the imaginations of fresh generations of scholars working in many traditions, from the history of art and design to literary criticism and the history of socialism and socialist thought. This book concentrates on Morris's social and political acheivements as well as his artistic talents.
This book concentrates on Morris's social and political acheivements as well as his artistic talents.
​Ethics and Rock Art: Images and Power addresses the distinctive ways in which ethical considerations pertain to rock art research within the larger context of the archaeological ethical debate.
Art as Enterprise brings a fresh perspective to the debate about the roles of contemporary art in consumer capitalist society.
Business scholars and theorists, practicing managers, and students will all find this book fascinating and useful in preparing for business in the coming century.
This book proposes that the highest expression of ethics is an aesthetic. It suggests that the quintessential performance of any field of practice is an art that captures an ethic beyond any literal statement of values.
Critical Practice is the first book on institutional critique informed by current debates in museum ethics and brings together a diverse range of literature to make it an invaluable resource for students of Museum Studies and Art and ...
'How To Profit From Principle' examines the fundamental values and principles of business life - integrity, trust and service - which are vital for long-term sustainability and the personal well-being of the individuals employed in the ...
This volume includes six varied contributions to the study of visual ethics in organizations. The implications of our visual world for organizational life and personal behaviour have received scant research attention.
This book aims to be a guiding handbook for emerging and practicing managers in the ever-changing corporate world.
This book is a unique collection of essays by the leading scholars in business ethics. The purpose of the volume is to examine the emergence of business ethics as an...