Taking an in-depth look at the plants: where they came from, who discovered them, and how they came to be named as they are, this is an A-Z of places associated with plants, and plant hunters from across the world. It also includes stories about plant explorers and their often dangerous journeys.
"Joseph Hooker (1817-1911) and James Hector (1834-1907) corresponded from opposite sides of the world for almost forty years, and their correspondence gives a unique, personal view of 19th century scientific developments in Great Britain ...
The small party set out by boat on 20 March 1827. Douglas would be accompanied all the way to Hudson's Bay by Edward Ermatinger, a representative of the Company; four others (McLoughlin, the Chief Factor, McLeod, Annance, ...
Tt Be a Plant Scientist
本书讲述19世纪末至20世纪初美国植物学家戴维·费尔柴尔德通过环球旅行,为美国引进上万种植物,从而影响美国人饮食和美国发展的冒险故事.它展现了当时诸多政商界大腕的逸闻趣事 ...
Pflanzensammler und -entdecker: zweihundert Jahre abenteuerliche Expeditionen ; mit 66 Pflanzenporträts
Index Herbariorum: Collectors : S
A Man Tenax Propositi: Transcriptions of Letters from Charles Knight to William Jackson Hooker and Joseph Dalton Hooker Between 1852...
F. C. , 228-9 gibbons ( hoolocks ) , 44 , 53 , 54 , Dri La , 19445 Tashi , 185–7 , 198 , 205-6 134 Feng - shui - ling ... 154 , 208 Bacot , M. , 13 Atuntzu , 10 , 14 , 15–16 , 89 , pica - hares , see marmots Bailey , F. M. , 183 109–10 ...
This beautifully illustrated guide unlocks the mysteries of botanical Latin explaining what plant names mean and the descriptive clues they conceal.
"This book follows the journey of over 80 pioneering botanists and the important findings and collections they have made.