'A delightful addition to the stuff-you-think-you-know-that's-wrong genre, � la Freakonomics, Outliers, and The Black Swan' KirkusThe world is filled with curious facts: intelligent women tend to marry men who are less intelligent. Students who get the highest scores in year-three generally get lower scores in year-four. Pilot trainees who are praised achieve worse results in their next exercise, while trainees who are shouted at perform better later on.But it would be wrong to assume that smart women are more attracted to unintelligent men or that schools are failing their students, or that shouting is the best way to get results. The unifying reason for each of these curious cases is a concept called 'regression to the mean' which explains how we can be easily misled by random chance in our daily lives. Luck can wreak all kinds of havoc in sports, business, education, politics, and everywhere in between so that we attach meaning to the meaningless and make ill-advised decisions.In What the Luck? statistician Gary Smith and authorof Standard Deviations (The Times Book of the Week) explains how an understanding of luck changes the way we see the world so we can make better choices by using statistics to our advantage.
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A contemporary and authentically designed translation of one of Stéphane Mallarmé's most famous poems.
This second edition has wider coverage, more explanations and examples and exercises, and a new chapter introducing Markov chains, making it a great choice for a first probability course.
Celebrated mathematician Amir D Aczel sets his sights on the probability theory - the branch of mathematics that measures the likelihood of a random event.
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jedenfalls heute schon stellenweise besser als das , was sich vorher unter vielen Kompromissen kontingenter Nebenbedingungen in der Evolution zusammengewerkelt hat . Eine Berufung auf ein vorgegebenes « Naturrecht » hilft dabei wenig ...
Aristotle's Physics: Books I and II
Following on from the bestselling Nothing and Question Everything, this book will open your eyes to the weird and wonderful world of chance - and help you see when some things, in fact, aren't random at all.
Originally published in France, 1951 by Presses Universitaires de France as La genese de l'idee de hasard chez l'enfnat.