An account of the work of the Sheffield Inner City Ecumenical Mission.
embodies Asian ontic and experiential intensity . Situating onself in the Asian discernment of the Christic mystery , one interprets the intent of the question as ' dis - covering the already operative Christology in Asia rather than ...
Gallup , George Jr. , and D. Michael Lindsay . ... Green , John Clifford , Mark J. Rozell , and Clyde Wilcox , eds . ... Guth , James L. , John C. Green , Corwin E. Smidt , Kyman A. Kellstedt , and Margaret M. Poloma .
A New and Unsettling Force: Reigniting Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 's Poor People's Campaign
Theology for Mercy
Scriven , Charles . The Transformation of Culture . Scottsdale : Herald , 1988 . Shenk , David W. and Ervin R. Stutzman . Creating Communities of the Kingdom : New Testament Models of Church Planting . Scottsdale : Herald , 1988 .
The vicar , Gerald Perkins , is not surprised that Henry has lost his faith . He was almost expecting it , and is not discouraged , whilst recognizing how painful it is for Henry . Henry's faith had been in a vengeful , punishing God ...
永不震動的國: 臺灣基督教信仰與基督徒問題總探索
永不止息的愛與公義: 臺灣基督教信仰與基督徒問題總探索
In response to a layman's query as to whether voting resolutions on matters of public policy by religious institutions constituted a violation of the principle of separation of church and state ...
" ... a rich compendium of critical insights and practical pointers for 'theologising', interpreting the Bible and building Gospel communities in contemporary urban environment."--Back cover.