The intention of these studies has been to develop and evaluate methodology regarding the collection of environmental base-line data for Coastal Zone Management and water scarcity issues in the developing world.
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics , 30,525-538 ; Casey , J. and Myers , R.A. ( 1998 ) . Near extinction of a large , widely distributed fish . Science 281 , 690-692 . 123 The Shark Trust website 124 ...
The Land by the Lakes: Nearshore Terrestrial Ecosystems
"This guide is an introduction to the use of marine ecological scorecards and condition reports, which are tools for assessing the condition of marine protected areas in North America.
"This guide is an introduction to the use of marine ecological scorecards and condition reports, which are tools for assessing the condition of marine protected areas in North America.
"Jointly published with Duke University Press, this is the first in the series Living With the Shore to study the tropical region outside the continental United States.
The Coast of Scotland: Some Recently Collected Survey Material
Design and Implementation of Management Strategy Evaluation for the Great Barrier Reef Inshore (MSE-GBR): Report to the National Environmental Research...
The Cost of Environmental Protection: Regulating Housing Development in the Coastal Zone