Finnegan spent time with families in four communities across America and became an intimate observer of the lives revealed in these portraits: a fifteen-year-old drug dealer in blighted New Haven, Connecticut; a sleepy Texas town transformed when crack arrives; Mexican American teenagers in Washington State, unable to relate to their immigrant parents and trying to find an identity in gangs; jobless young white supremacists in a downwardly mobile L.A. suburb.
This book explores how and why the dangerous yet seemingly durable and stable world order forged during the Cold War collapsed in 1989, and how a new order was improvised out of its ruins.
The end of the Cold War triggered a historic shift in world politics, and nowhere was this more keenly felt than in the United Nations. This is an insider's account of that turbulent period.
Ron Robin looks at the original power couple of strategic studies who, during the most dangerous military standoff in history, gained access to the deepest corridors of power.
The book begins with an examination of the structure of the Cold War and post-Cold War world, and subsequently explores Russian interference by overt, grey, and covert means including, but not limited to, cyberespionage, "fake news", and ...
In this book, the dark serenity of dejection is examined through a study of the poetry of Hopkins and Coleridge, and the music of depressive black metal artists such as Burzum and Xasthur.
Diop, Senghor, Césaire, Fanon, Abrahams, Wright, Hughes, and Baldwin were all there. 7. The 1er Congrès des Écrivains et Artistes Noirs opened on the morning of September 19, 1956, in the Amphithéâtre Descartes at the Sorbonne, ...
Missing for two hundred millennia, the legendary Iconians have returned, bringing with them the secret of interdimensional teleportation across vast interstellar distances.
Latin America and the Global Cold War analyzes more than a dozen of Latin America's forgotten encounters with Africa, Asia, and the Communist world, and by placing the region in meaningful dialogue with the wider Global South, this volume ...
This groundbreaking book is the first to explore the significance of this second Cold War that China and the Soviet Union fought in the shadow of the capitalist-communist clash.
This stunning series is packed with cross-curricular information, case studies and dazzling photography and there is also a quiz, further reading section, a glossary and a comprehensive index, making this an ideal reference book for ...