Students who take the General, Organic, and Biochemistry (GOB) course usually have a clear career goal but not have a strong science background. GOB: Connecting Chemistry to Your Life was written to develop students' understanding of general scientific principles and to give them the problem-solving skills necessary to learn the subject. Unlike other texts, this book presents more applications directly relevant to careers students are interested in.
Understanding Movies: Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Item File
The goal of this resource manual is to help students understand crime, the origins of criminological theory, the emergence of sociological criminology and the subcultures of delinquency.
Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Items: Manual
Instructor's Resource Manual
Teaching with a Purpose: Instructor's Resource Manual to Accompany Writing with a Purpose, Twelfth Edition, Trimmer
Instructor's Resource Manual
Discovering the American Past: Instructor's Resource Manual
American Corrections: Instructor's Resource Manual
Contains resources for instructors teaching using Donatelle's Access to Health, 8th edition
It doesn't have any weight at all and it's moving up and up , more and more . It's lighter and lighter , moving up and up , more and more , higher and higher . ( End 30 seconds ) You can relax your arm now . Scoring criterion : 1 point ...