A twenty-one volume edition illustrated with maps, pictograms, and photographs. Entries are written on a range of reading levels and each volume is separately indexed with cross references to information found in other volumes.
This encyclopedia has over 1000 pages of information, more than 12,000 photographs and is arranged alphabetically for easy access.
More than five thousand articles on topics today's children need to understand are illustrated with ten thousand photographs and more than two thousand specially commissioned artworks, in a comprehensive yet easy-to-use three-volume ...
Wallace and Gromit's Wacky World of Knowledge
A highly illustrated one-volume encyclopedia containing 450 main entries ranging from Aboriginal Australians to Zoos.
People and the Man-made World
Introduces youngsters to a wealth of information ranging from weather, homes, and clothes, to plants and animals, to historical facts, to machines and buildings
( I ; A ) UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Andrews , William G. The Land and People of the Soviet Union . Harper , 1991. ( I ; A ) Bernards , Neal , ed . The Soviet Union . Greenhaven Press , 1987. ( A ) Campling , Elizabeth .
Encyclopedia of Knowledge is a definitive encyclopedia, covering everything kids aged 9+ need to know about the world.
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"A journey through time, from prehistory to the modern world.