Duke Eberhard - Ludwig received permission under the Treaty of Ryswick in 1697 to retain two thousand soldiers , and these he dressed in pretty yellow uniforms . However , financial stringency forced him to reduce his forces to eleven ...
The proportion of wartime soldiers dying of disease as against combat injury, ran at about 70-75 percent in armies campaigning in Europe in the century and a half (1648-1789) between the end of the Thirty Years War and the French Revolution ...
Crisis, Absolutism, Revolution: Europe, 1648-1789/91
This is the third edition, revised and expanded, of Crisis, Absolutism, Revolution: Europe 1648-1789, and new to it is an examination of European contact with Africa, the Americas, and South and East Asia.
The Ancien Régime in Europe: Government and Society in the Major States, 1648-1789
J. Childs , Armies and Warfare in Europe , 1648-1789 ( 1982 ) . A. Corvisier , Armies and Societies in Europe , 1494–1789 ( 1979 ) . C. Duffy , The Army of Frederick the Great ( 1974 ) . C. Duffy , The Army of Maria Theresa ( 1977 ) .
1 GENERAL M. S. Anderson,War and Society in Europe ofthe old regime, 1618–1789 (London, 1988). G. Best, War and Society in Revolutionary Europe, 1770–1870 (London, 1982). J. Childs,Armies and Warfare in Europe, 1648–1789 (Manchester, ...
Describes and discusses the daily life of civilians in wartime Europe from the Thirty Years' War through the end of the 19th century.
... David The Campaigns of Napoleon ( 1966 ) On the Napoleonic Wars ( 1994 ) Charnay , J.-P. Société militaire a suffrage politique en France depuis 1789 ( 1964 ) Childs , John C.R. Armies and Warfare in Europe , 1648–1789 ( 1982 ) ...
J. Childs, Armies and Warfare in Europe, 1648-1789 (Manchester, 1982) is up-to-date and easy to read; it concentrates on armies rather than on their economic and social background. The relevant chapters of E. M. Earle, ed., ...
J.Childs, Armies and warfare in Europe, 1648–1789 (Manchester, 1982). G.N.Clark, War and society in the seventeenth century (Cambridge, 1958). A.Corvisier, Armies and societies in Europe, 1494–1789 (Bloomington, Indiana, 1979).