1.205 Dyer , J. , The Penguin Guide to Prehistoric England and Wales , 1981. Guidebook to the visitable sites . 1.206 Ehrenberg , Margaret , Women in Prehistory , 1989. Pioneering study of the social status of women in prehistoric ...
Where can I find an amateur archaeological society to join? How can I find out more about a particular aspect of archaeology? Which are the most useful available texts in...
This book, first published in 2006, surveys the archaeology of the Celtic-speaking areas of Britain and Ireland, AD 400 to 1200.
As McEwan argues, the past is well suited to manipulation and can be used to uphold particular ideologies, for example those dictated by the state. This discussion of the development...
References Allen, Carol and David Hopkins. 2000. Bronze Age accessory cups from Lincolnshire: Early Bronze Age pot? Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 66:297–317. Appleby, Jo. 2012. Temporality and the transition to cremation in the ...
A Neolithic ceremonial complex in Galloway: excavations at Dunragit and Droughduil 1999–2002. Oxford: Oxbow. —— 2015b. What do we mean by 'Neolithic societies'? In C. Fowler, D. Hoffman and J. Harding (eds), The Oxford handbook of ...
Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History: Publications of ...
The Irish Sea Province in Archaeology and History
This book is the first study of the political and social values underpinning interest in Irish archaeology and the establishment of the first public or national museum in Ireland, the...
Presents new perspectives on the use and perception of caves at different times in the past, from the Early Mesolithic through to post-medieval time; reveals complex and varied funerary practices and rituals associated with cave burials; ...
In J. Koch and B. Cunliffe (eds.), Celtic from the West 2. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 71–99. Gibson, C. (2016). ... Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Llamas, B., Brandt, G., Harding, J. (1996). Reconsidering the Neolithic round barrows of eastern ...