Focuses on the Labour Party during its most successful decade, the 1940s. The book questions the comforting myths which shroud the decade and reconstructs the world view of Labour members. It reveals the extent to which the British public, whilst voting Labour, rejected the party's vision.
England, Arise!: The Story of Socialist Conscientious Objectors of the First World War - and the Women who Supported Them
125–59 ; James Davis , ' Baking for the common good : a reassessment of the assize of bread in medieval England , Economic History Review , 57 ( 2004 ) , pp . 465–502 ; James Davis , Medieval market morality . Life , law and ethics in ...
The book will not only provide an important reassessment of the revolt itself but will also be an illuminating and original study of English medieval life at the time.
Even at this critical moment, contemporaries dismissed vast swaths of people as 'the commons'. Yet the records of the revolt provide a rare opportunity to tell the stories of those once reduced to an amorphous mass.
Religious dissent, innovation and rebellion Amanda J Thomas ... The son of ironmaster Thomas Russell, William Russell was a prosperous Birmingham merchant, appointed a warden of the assay office in 1787. The assay office was founded in ...
This book draws upon new research to identify and analyze these soldiers at all social levels in the specific context of the county of Essex.
... view of Britain: the socio-geographic itinerary of G. Moorhouse, Britain in the Sixties: The Other England, London 1964. ... The Crisis of lmperialism 1865–1915, London 1974; R. Blake, The Decline of Power 1915– 1964, London 1985.
The book will not only provide an important reassessment of the revolt itself but will also be an illuminating and original study of English medieval life at the time.
... England , arise ” . HILDA : LADY [ suddenly hysterical ] Oh , my God ! I will go out and join them [ she rushes out through the main door ] . CHAVENDER : Hilda ! Hilda ! SIR ARTHUR : Never mind , dear : the police all know her : she'll ...
The Imperial Curriculum: Racial Images and Education in the British Colonial Experience (London, 1993). ... acceptance of schooling is chronicled in D. Rubinstein, School Attendance in London, 1870–1914: A Social History (Hull, 1969).