... Photographer : Nick Bailey Typeset in Great Britain by Central Southern Typesetters , Eastbourne Manufactured in Singapore by Bright Arts Pte Limited Printed in China FLOWERS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT : carnation , prairie gentian.
Ekspert po aranzhirane na t︠s︡veti︠a︡
Obras del autor: El Dr. D.G. Hessayon, prestigioso naturalista ingls de gran actualidad, es suficientemente conocido como para que su solo nombre sea ya una garanta.
The perfect book for the flower-lover, The Ladies' Flower Garden will help you to enjoy the astonishing variety, beauty, delicacy and delight of flowers through the seasons.
More Flower Arranging from Your Garden
... Lindsey Hanes Senior Photographer : Jim Bathie Photographers : Jean Allsopp , Ralph Anderson , Van Chaplin , Tina Cornett , Laurey W. Glenn , Brit Huckabay , Sylvia Martin Senior Photo Stylist : Kay E. Clarke Photo Stylists : Buffy ...
Leucothoe populifolia ( florida leucothoe ) 29 , 147 Liatris squarrosa ( autumn gay - feather ) 128 Lilium Golden Splendor ( Golden Splendor lily ) 93 L. Golden Sunburst ( Golden Sunburst lily ) 16 L. Green Magic ( Green Magic lily ) 93 ...
This title sets out the basics of successful flower arranging including: selection of the right container; the use of foliage; shape, texture and colour; and gives ideas for 20 seasonally-based projects.
Illustrated, step-by-step flower guide to floral decorations for different seasons and occasions.
Inspirational ideas for decorating your house all year round, and for everyccasion, with fresh, dried, aritifical and pot-grown flowers.