Temporal Bone: Top 100 Diagnoses

Temporal Bone: Top 100 Diagnoses
Temporal Bone
Diagnostic imaging
W B Saunders Company
H. Ric Harnsberger


Never before has essential diagnostic guidance been so quick and convenient to access! In conjunction with Amirsys Inc., W.B. Saunders is pleased to present a new family of pocket-sized diagnostic imaging resources unlike any other clinical references available. These titles are being offered both in paperback format, and as software for personal digital assistants (PDAs). Each volume explores the 100 most important diagnoses in a particular radiologic specialty. And, each volume features the authorship of a prominent expert in that specific area. Consistent, bulleted guidelines and crisply reproduced images make it remarkably easy to instantly confirm or rule out a diagnosis. The result is an on-the-go source for the information radiologists need to interpret images with confidence. 16 volumes cover a wide range of radiologic specialties, including musculoskeletal imaging · head and neck imaging · neuroimaging · chest imaging · ultrasound · cardiac imaging · spine imaging · vascular imaging · pediatric imaging · gastrointestinal/genitourinary imaging · and emergency imaging. Two different formats suit the needs of any practitioner: The PDA versions of these resourcessimple to install on any Palm® or Pocket PC are extremely user-friendly and require very little practice to use. They can be purchased on a retail CD-ROM or downloaded from the Website: www.PocketRadiologist.com The paperback versions average 320 pages in length and are 5" x 8" in sizeso they can be carried and consulted anytime, anywhere. For each diagnosis, readers will find 1 - 2 radiologic images/illustrations, plus lists of Key Facts · Imaging Findings · Differential Diagnosis · Clinical Issues · Pathologic Features · and References. Imaging Findings include General Features · CT Findings · and MR findings, as well as Other Modality Findings and Imaging Recommendations (where appropriate). Pathologic Features detail General Pathology · Gross Pathologic/Surgical Features · Microscopic Features · and Staging or Grading Criteria. Clinical Issues address Presentation as well as Natural History and Treatment and Prognosis (where relevant).

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