Addresses the different conditions encountered in small animal bone and joint surgery. New features include radiograms, revised discussions of the surgical aspects of long bone neoplasms and the principles of joint surgery.
As with previous editions, this comprehensive handbook offers readers a clear and consistent description of the most common orthopedic conditions along with the pathology, diagnostic work-up, surgical indications and planning, surgical ...
As with previous editions, this comprehensive handbook offers readers a clear and consistent description of the most common orthopedic conditions along with the pathology, diagnostic work-up, surgical indications and planning, surgical ...
The 3rd edition of this handbook covers the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of conditions affecting the locomotor system in small animals.
Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Treatment
45). Avulsion fractures lead to the formation of small bone fragments that, frequently, cannot hold large osteosynthesis systems. For this reason, the only possibility to stabilise this type of fractures is by using pins.
This successful book, first published in 1980 and now in its fourth edition, provides an authoritative guide for busy practitioners trying to keep pace with current trends in small animal orthopaedic surgery.
Small Animal Orthopaedics: The Hindlimb
Fracture management has developed rapidly since the first edition of this manual was published.
Complications in Small Animal Surgery provides a complete reference to diagnosing, managing, and treating surgical complications, with information following a standardized format for ease of use. • Presents comprehensive information on ...
Also, new to this edition, the text presents a wider variety of topics including skin fold disorders, urogenital surgery, new flap techniques, and an expanded chapter on facial reconstruction.