... pain may be so severe as to require enucleation . THERAPY Ocular . It is not unusual after intraocular surgery to have decreased aqueous production and hypotony . Hypotony due to wound leaks should be ruled out by negative Seidel's ...
Nystagmus and exotropia have been noted in some patients with tyrosinemia II; these may be a consequence of visual loss rather than a primary effect of the disease. Cutaneous lesions typically occur with or after the eye lesions.
The Fifth Edition of this trusted clinical reference provides quick, convenient access to authoritative information on ocular diseases. More than 400 international authorities offer definitive guidance on all major eye...
Erythromycin ointment for ocular prophylaxis of neonatal chlamydial infection. JAMA 1980,244:2291–2293. Dawson CR, Inclusion conjunctivitis. In: Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH, eds. Current ocular therapy, ed. 2. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, ...
This text-atlas discusses the various diseases of the external eye, cornea and orbit. The first section is organized systematically with an emphasis on differential diagnosis. Comprehensive information concerning general and...
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
Eye and Skin Disease
Current Therapy in Pediatrics
Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
The following rules should be observed in handling eye medications for use in the diagnostic examination of uninjured eyes : ( 1 ) Obtain solutions in small amounts ... Fraunfelder FT , Hampton RF : Current Ocular Therapy 2 , 2nd ed .