This AJN Book of the Year provides current treatment approaches to nursing care in a variety of health care settings the home, hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Research-based and fully revised, it discusses the problems and syndromes seen in the older population and covers topics in depth, providing a synthesis of difficult-to-find material. Discussions of assessment instruments, guidelines, protocols, and resources are provided to assist nurses in the management of these clinical problems. This edition also features 12 new chapters that focus on topics such as legal aspects, pain and discomfort, cardiovascular problems, sensory disorders, and intimacy and sexuality.
Forman, M., Fletcher, K., Mion, L., & Trygstad, L. (2003). Assessing cognitive function. In M. Mezey, T. Fulmer, & I. Abraham (Eds.), & D. Zwicker (managing ed.), Geriatric nursing protocols for best practice (2nd ed., pp. 102–103).
The text follows the framework of the core competencies for baccalaureate nursing education published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing.
Therefore, on the fifth day following surgery, she was transferred to a rehabilitation facility in stable condition. ... Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice (3rd ed., pp. 170–173). New york: Springer Publishing.
Simply stated, 'Pick this book up and use it.
Boerner K , Jopp D ( 2007 ) Improvement/maintenance and reorientation as central features of coping with major life change and loss: ... DeSpelder LA , Strickland AL ( 2015 ) The last dance: Encountering death and dying ( 10th ed .) ...
The Fifth Edition of Gerontological Nursing takes a holistic approach and teaches students how to provide quality patient care for the older adult, preparing them to effectively care for this population.
First, the suggestion that quality of care is in the eye of the beholder points to the different interests of multiple users. This issue encompasses both measurement and communication challenges. Measurement and analysis methods must ...
Scope and Standards of Gerontological Nursing Practice
This edition offers new examples of Best Practices. New to this edition: Complementary and Alternative Therapies help readers understand therapies that can supplement traditional medicine.
Case studies are a pedagogically powerful approach to active learning that offer opportunities to apply content to clinical practice.” —The Gerontologist “The case narrative approach of this book promotes active learning that is more ...