This practical resource provides a solid foundation for assessment and therapeutic interventions applicable to advanced practice. A superb synthesis of research from physiology and the clinical sciences, this book focuses on normal physiologic changes during pregnancy, anatomic and functional development of the fetus, and developmental physiology of preterm and term neonates. Comprehensive, detailed, well illustrated, and exhaustively referenced, the second edition examines physiologic foundations for the prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum periods. It also provides an in-depth study of physiologic adaptations and developmental physiology for major body systems or metabolic processes.
... 278-279 , 280-281 Circumcision , in congenital heart disease , 1293 Circumvallate placenta , 427 Cisatracurium , in neonatal anesthesia , 610 Citrin deficiency , 1646 Citrulline for lysinuric protein intolerance , 1389 in urea cycle ...
The most comprehensive book available on neonatal intervention, this in-depth resource gives professionals the strong foundation of clinical knowledge they'll need to work with high-risk newborns. With a unique developmental...
Soins infirmiers en périnatalité
This guide has been developed jointly by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and is designed for use by all personnel involved in...
Care of the High-risk Neonate
This 2-volume "bible" of neonatology has been exhaustively updated to reflect all of the sweeping developments that have recently occurred in neonatal-perinatal medicine. There is an enhanced focus on evidence-based...
Neuropsychological Fundamentals in Learning Disabilities
The clearest, most comprehensive text available on the neurological and psycho-social development of children from birth to 8, this cutting-edge book will be the cornerstone of every early interventionist's education....
Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant
她,幫助保溫箱中命懸一線的巴掌仙子, 一公分、一公分,一公克、一公克地長大; 扮演他們的「媽媽」與「子宮」——她,是許瓊心醫師! ▁▁▁▁一段讓編輯團隊落淚又充滿敬意的人生▁▁▁▁ 有一群小小攀峰者,身長只有二十幾公分、體重只有幾百公克, 一出生,就必須挑戰超高難度的生命之峰。 在許瓊心與醫療團隊守護下,讓這群原本離天堂很近的巴掌仙子, 走過生死之關,化「不可能」為「可能」! ▍1975年,突破白色巨塔藩籬,她成為馬偕兒科第一位女住院醫師; 超過40年,全心做好一件事——守護早產兒! 被每個早產兒與家屬暱稱「許阿姨」的許醫師,剛滿七十歲, 但她的大半歲月有長達四十年的時間,都在兒科中度過。 光是她手中「養大」極低體重新生兒(出生體重小於1500公克),就有近千位。 在當年畢業的那一屆醫學系中,一百多個醫學生,只有十位女生。 她勇於突破由男性主導的白色巨塔藩籬,成為馬偕醫院兒科第一位女醫師, 並在全台灣第一個新生兒加護病房,成為第一位專責主治醫師。 ▍若問許瓊心這一生有什麼重要資產? 她的答案是一個又一個救治小病人的故事。 ‧利用威而鋼,讓小男孩免於截肢的重大傷害; ‧做紅血球洗滌,幫助六百公克的孩子「換血」; ‧追蹤觀察四歲孩子的排便狀況,看了整整一年的大便照片; ‧只因家長一句話,她依循古禮收「契囝」,成為許多孩子的乾媽; ‧為了讓家長隨時求援,成為「二十四小時醫師」…… ▍身為二二八受難家屬、失去孩子的切身之痛……讓她決心帶著永不會癒合的傷, 陪伴每一個早產兒與家屬,跨越一道道艱難的試煉。...