Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery : Includes Sugar Gliders and Hedgehogs

Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery : Includes Sugar Gliders and Hedgehogs
Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents
W B Saunders Company
James Wyman Carpenter, Katherine E. Quesenberry


Addresses the common questions and concerns of the practicing veterinarian who works with small mammals. Serves as a useful reference for veterinary students, technicians, research scientists, pet shop owners, pet owners, and breeders. Because preventive medicine is crucial to small mammal medicine, coverage includes basic biology, husbandry, and routine care of the healthy animal. Also features chapters on disease management, surgery, and radiology. A section of the zoonotic disease chapter covers the monkey-pox outbreak in the Midwest section of the United States in May 2003. A rare zoonotic viral disease this was the first report of this in the United States and it has never been reported outside of Africa Logically organized in sections by different animals with subsequent chapters organized by body system for quick and easy access to information A Drug Formulary provides a comprehensive introduction to drug therapy Comprehensive appendices offer quick-reference to diagnosis tables, supply sources, and other practical information Features a wealth of photographs and line drawings that demonstrate radiographic interpretation and the main points of diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic techniques Includes a chapter on ophthalmology, an area of study hard to find for ferrets, rabbits, rodents, and other small mammals Coverage of specific soft tissue surgery and general orthopedic procedures 7 new chapters covering: cardiovascular diseases of rabbits; diseases of prairie dogs; diseases of hedgehogs; diseases of sugar gliders; a combined chapter on hematology and clinical pathology; dentistry; and zoonotic disease A new full-color insert with 24 color plates on hematology and clinical pathology The latest information on Monkey-pox, a rare zoonotic viral disease outbreak that occurred in the Midwest region of the United States in May 2003

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