This reliable resource presents a thorough and concise presentation of basic pharmacology. Written at the appropriate level for pharmacy technician students in any type of programs and for those being trained on the job, it features a full color design that fully engages the reader along with many unique features that make learning more interesting and more meaningful. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details. Section I, General Pharmacy, provides an overview of pharmacy practice as it relates to pharmacy technicians to help readers understand the role of a technician in the pharmacy setting. Section Two, Body Systems, provides a body systems approach to pharmacology to enhance the reader's understanding of why, how, and what drugs are used in the clinical setting for various body systems. Section Three, Classifications of Drugs presents a general breakdown of how similar agents are used to treat conditions to help readers understand how similar agents work in the body. Brief anatomy and physiology discussions in the body systems chapters help build a foundation for how the drugs work in the human body. Objectives are listed at the beginning of each chapter to clearly outline what readers are expected to understand from the chapter. Key terms with definitions appear at the beginning of all chapters to identify new terminology and make it easier to learn the new vocabulary that is vital to success on the job. A list of the drugs discussed within a chapter, along with the pronunciation, appear at the beginning of each chapter to help familiarize readers with the drugs they need to be familiar with on the job. Comprehensive drug tables that include pictures of drugs - enhancing the reference value of the text while providing readers with quick, easy to understand information about specific drugs. Tech Notes interspersed throughout the text provide readers with helpful on-the-job hints. Pharmacist's Perspective boxes make content more interesting by relating the material to on-the-job situations viewed through the eyes of the pharmacist. The Tech's Corner at the end of each chapter promotes critical thinking skills by encouraging readers to pull together a collection of facts and information to reach a conclusion. An attractive full color design makes the text inviting and information more accessible. More than 300 photos and illustrations throughout the text help readers understand new concepts and procedures. Key points appear at the end of each chapter before the review questions to facilitate the understanding of key concepts presented in the chapter. Review Questions appear at the end of each chapter to help readers assess their knowledge and understanding of the chapter content before moving on. A bibliography appears at the end of each chapter to supply readers with additional sources to go to for further information on the chapter topic. A comprehensive glossary including all key terms and definitions is located at the end of the book - providing one central location to look up the meaning of new terminology.
From leading coding author and educator Carol J. Buck, this exam review provides complete coverage of all topics included on the physician coding certification exam - including anatomy, terminology, and pathophysiology for each body system; ...
A student's connection with the book, their instructor and their newly chosen profession is a recipe for success. This text is available as one comprehensive textbook or can be purchased in a three volume set.
Ti me-saving Navigation and Study Tools: Navigate through difficult human anatomy topics through both the book and MasteringA&P. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringA&P does not come packaged with this content.
Authorised adaptation from the United States edition, entitled Get ready for A&P, 1st ed., published by Pearson Education in 2007.
Photographer / Pearson Education / Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Researchers , Inc. 25.11b Ralph T. Hutchings 25.12 , 25.13 , 25.14 Shawn Miller , Organ and Animal Dissector , and Mark Nielsen , Organ and Animal Dissection ...
For 2-semester A&P lab course and 1-semester human anatomy lab course A Photographic Atlas for Anatomy & Physiology is a new visual lab study tool that helps students learn and identify key anatomical structures.
Discover how your body works by exploring these maps of your skeleton, teeth, ears, tongue, skin ... and brain. Compare your body with other animals and use the diagrams to write your own Body Book.
Grillner , S. , and M. Konishi , guest eds . ( 1991 ) . ... Grillner , S. , J. T. Buchanan , and A. Lansner ( 1988 ) . Simulation of the segmental burst generating network for ... Hanson , S. J. , and C. R. Olson , eds . ( 1990 ) .
Keith was sledding in the snow with his friends when he accidentally hit a tree . After examining Keith , the emergency room physician concluded that he ruptured his spleen in the accident . How might a ruptured spleen be treated ?
With the fifth edition of Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology, your introductory, one-semester students have the opportunity to experience an effective blend of up-to-date, informational content with several new features and an ...