Exclusion Clauses and Unfair Contract Terms helps you to draft lawful, valid and effective exclusion clauses for both commercial and consumer contracts.It will help you advise clients who are agreeing new contracts. There's also plenty of guidance on contract dispute resolution.Help with drafting and disputesUsing the work youÆll be able to draft exclusion clauses that are in line with the courtsÆ interpretation of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 and controls introduced by Parliament.The new 8th edition shows how recent case law can affect drafting and the action taken against exclusion clauses.By using the latest edition youÆll ensure you base your clauses and arguments on the most relevant and recent developments.Know what to avoidThe work discusses unlawful, void and ineffective exclusion clauses, so you know what to steer clear of when drafting. By following the guidelines given youÆll be able to make sure the contracts you draft include all the right clauses, worded in a way that helps prevent misinterpretation at a later stage.Know how to proceedExclusion Clauses and Unfair Contract Terms will help you resolve disputes over established contracts for your clients by showing you the cases which are relevant and explaining how the courts have interpreted the legislation. Guidance on the interpretation of exclusion clauses, unlawful, void and ineffective clauses will help you to shape your arguments.
本书对国际统一商法和国家主权,特别是国家主权所制定的法律之间的相互作用关系进行了研究。内容包括:国际商法与国内法关系发展的历史回顾、国际商法和国内法的分离、国际 ...
The text's major focus is the French influence - and American reaction to - the European Union's "Television Without Frontiers" directive and the 1993 GATT talks in Uruguay.
跨入21世_以_,中__外_易_得了_足的_展,中__外_易的理_思想、 _展_略和政策措施_生了重大__。与此同_,中__展_外_易的___件和_ __境更加__复_。一方面,伴__以去_能、去_存、去杠杆、降成本和_短板 _任_的供__改革的深入推_,中_的____优_被明_削弱,而新的__优_ 尚未形成,_出口面__峻的 “_降”形_;另一方面,全球_易持_低迷,__投 __易__体系加快重构,_域性高_准自由_易体制使多__易体制受到挑_,世 界_易保__化,中_面_的_易摩擦不_加_。在此背景之下,西南__大___ 商_院十几位教授、副教授在_期研究、_泛借_、反复__的基_上,_易其稿, _著了 《中__外_易概_》一_,以新的_角、新的体系和新的_容,得出了一些 新的__。
The History and Future of the World Trade Organization is a comprehensive account of the economic, political and legal issues surrounding the creation of the WTO and its evolution. Fully...
В учебнике раскрываются теоретические аспекты финансового лизинга, его сущность, преимущества по сравнению с традиционной формой финансирования инвестиционных проектов поставки оборудования – кредитом, анализируется структура лизингового бизнеса в России и ряде...
This book presents a comprehensive survey of Chinese legal and regulatory systems governing international trade following China's accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the coming into force of...
International Trade Law: Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice
A Liber Amicorum : Thomas Wälde: Law Beyond Conventional Thought
本書特色 ●第一本國貿實務圖解書。 ●ㄧ單元一概念,迅速理解國貿實務的精華及內涵。 ●新增國貿條規Incoterms2020最新版。 ●國貿實務個案Q&A,即學即用。 ●圖文並茂.容易理解.快速吸收。 本書作者不僅是國貿實務界高手,更是業界名師。她融合多年商場實戰與教學經驗,將國貿實務知識化繁為簡。跳脫傳統教科書艱澀繁複的文字說明,在本書中以「簡潔扼要」為最高原則,採用圖文並茂的方式呈現。是引領對國貿有興趣或是有需求的讀者,最貼心適用的入門書。 不僅幫助初學者以最輕鬆親切的方式,進入國貿實務的精彩世界;重點式的說明,更是業界先進最有效率的參考資訊。