... and, judging by the strange new media venues, "Saturday Night Live," "Donahue," and gossip columnist Lany King's radio and television call-in shows on which 1992's Losing 245.
Winner Take All: Report
Inaugurated for a second term on March 4, 1873, Ulysses S. Grant gave an address that was both inspiring and curiously bitter.
Notified of his nomination for a second term in June 1872, Ulysses S. Grant accepted, promising "the same zeal and devotion to the good of the whole people for the future of my official life, as shown in the past.
There is no other print source, online source, or web search engine that provides the wide range and depth of insight found in Vital Statistics on American Politics. This new...
A detailed study of presidential election news coverage and its effect on voters focuses on the news audience and the images of candidates.
The author takes note of the serious side of elections even as he documents the frenzy and frolic.
Provides a comprehensive history, written by prominent historians and political scientists. Records the circumstances of such elections, and whatever had an appreciable influence upon the result.
Wolf, Arthur, “Chinese Family Size: A Myth Revisited,” pp. 30-49 in The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior, eds. Jih-chang Hsieh and Ying-chang Chuang, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1985. Xu, Xiaohe and Shu-chuan ...
The voting studies include Paul F. Lazarsfeld , Bernard Berelson , and Hazel Gaudet , The People's Choice ( New York : Duell , Sloan and Pearce ; 1944 ) : Angus Campbell and others , The Voter Decides ( Evanston , Ill .: Row , Peterson ...