While in a state of despair after the death of his brother, the author is visited by Acharya, an Indian mystic. Using astral projection, Acharya takes him out of the physical world onto the astral planes of the ‘afterlife’. Each astral plane teaches something new about life and death, karma and the ego. Through a series of meetings with the ‘dead’ – including his brother – the author comes to realise how irrational it is to fear death. Through his teaching, Acharya opens up a whole vision of life in the world that follows this, a world where anything is possible. Based on notes taken immediately following out-body experiences, this book is both enlightening and absorbing. It gives the reader a direct insight into the unknown mysteries of life and death.
Mrs. Thompson nodded . “ That's a fine science project for you . We'll keep him in the classroom refrigerator , except when you're using him for a model . Do you think you could get your drawings finished in a week ?
After reading this collection of six tales - two of them brand new - which take you from the past, through the present and into the far future, you'll understand just how little influence you have over your own destiny.
Very few details are given about the second compartment , the “ Great Gulf Fixed , " but we know that it is an impassable gulf over which men may look and converse but not cross . God designed it “ so that those who want to pass from ...
All of us experience Astral Travel/OOBEs (Out of Body Experiences) during our lifetime's sleep/other rest periods/meditations. This book shows how to vividly live and recall these valuable and often sensual happenings.
Travel with Dragonstar today's reigning master of a clan of magicians who have practised in secret since the time of early Atlantis -- and co-author S. Panchadasi, as they show you how to break the chains that confine us to this three ...
Peut - être aussi - probablement même — retrouve - t - il alors ceux de ses amis et de ses proches qui l'ont précédé ... et les consoler de la séparation des êtres chers délaissés dans l'exil terrestre ; il faut leur venir en aide pour ...
Travel across archaic landscapes, into contact with spiritual traditions as old as the human central nervous system and into the deepest recesses of the psyche.
An account of a man named Spencer's out-of-body experiences and visions of the last days.
Together they have written this compelling book that will not only encourage an environment of comfort and respect during the end-of-life experience, but direct the departing soul to reach their highest level of spiritual evolution as well.
All archaic landscape lines are, in essence, spirit lines.