"Understanding Childhood Deafness is a book about babies and young children and about what it is like not to be able to hear when no one else realizes or understands. It explains how to spot hearing problems and how, with the right help and attention, a child has the opportunity to develop his or her own potential. Issues such as the use of sign language or the need for speech correction techniques with severely deaf children are also discussed, while parents are urged to make informed choices."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
International Parents ' Organisation , Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf Inc. , 1537 , 35th Street N.W. , Washington D.C. 20007 . National Deaf Children's Society , 31 Gloucester Place , London , WiH 4EA .
Language Learning Practices with Deaf Children
Talk to Me: How your baby grows