Mr. McGregor has two things on his mind when he sees Peter in his garden. One is the safety of his lettuces; the other is rabbit pie. Peter was carefully told not to go into Mr. McGregor's garden, but some little bunnies have to learn things the hard way.
Beatrix Potter's classic story has been lovingly placed at the center of this creative effort, and David Jorgensen has given Peter and his family wonderfully droll and expressive character and charm in his illustrations. On the accompanying audiocaasette, Meryl Streep explores all of the drame, humor, and subtlety of the narrative, and none of its potential to entertain and teach has been left untapped. Musician/composer Lyle Mays has coordinated and augmented the work of both illustrator and narrator with a score that unifies and enlivens the whole enterprise. The combined artistry of the contributors results in a new and enriching experience that will be loved by all. "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" was awarded a Grammy nomination for best recording for children in 1988.
The classic Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery is rewritten for youth. In Traditional Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
《小王子》是21世紀世界上最偉大的童話作品,是一部獻給所有孩子和“曾經是個孩子”的童話;這是一部讓人永葆童心的不朽經典,是一部充滿哲理和智慧的童話。主人公是來自遙 ...
这是一只与众不同的猫,他的名字叫“不吃鱼”,确实,他是从来不吃鱼的。因为不吃鱼很特别,所以他的故事也很特别。他很好奇,理想是走遍世界。他很善良,但是有时候会因为 ...
《文学名著系列·麦格希中英双语阅读文库:一生必读的名著(第3辑)》主要汇集了世界经典名著,如“爱丽丝梦游仙境”“爱情与金钱”等。《文学名著系列·麦格希中英双语阅读 ...
★ 法國文學大師里歐坡.索瓦的「鱷魚式思維」經典名作。 ★ 獲日本亞馬遜網站好評:唯一熱銷日本幾十年,最具「珍藏」價值的經典繪本。 ★ ...
《安徒生童话(彩图注音低幼版)》主要收录了拇指姑娘、安琪儿、海的女儿、柳树下的梦、邻居们、她是一个废物、天国的花园、聪明人的宝石、鹳鸟、玫瑰花精、打火匣、皇帝的新 ...
安徒生的童話 超越了時間和空間的限制,受到全球一代又一代讀者的喜愛,感動_孩子們的心靈,啟迪他們追求心中的真善美。本書精選28個安徒生經典童話,根據故事主題分成三大 ...
本書精選安徒生最具代表性的童話故事,搭配精采的作品賞析和淺白的英文,以及威廉‧羅賓森、亞瑟‧拉坎等名畫家60餘幅經典插畫,讓故事增添異彩,值得一再細細品味與珍藏。 ...
永遠的孩子王彼得潘, 帶領孩子們在空空島展開大冒險 彼得.潘拒絕長大,喜歡冒險與刺激,為人勇敢仗義。一天夜裡,不小心把影子遺落在溫蒂家,當他再度回來找影子時,吵醒 ...
1967年迪士尼改編動畫《森林王子》全球矚目。 英國諾貝爾文學獎得主:吉卜林橫掃文壇的動物小說。 ★插圖版 ★吉卜林一生簡介及年表 ...