Offering a unique format of high quality illustrations and clear, concise text, COLOR ATLAS AND TEXT OF NEUROLOGY is the perfect reference to improve the non-specialist's fundamental understanding of neurological disorders. It provides vital information on the key techniques of the neurological work-up: analysis of behavior, interview, examination, presenting physical signs, and analysis of investigation results. From cover to cover, it assists the reader in making an accurate diagnosis -- an often difficult task in this challenging area. Extremely well illustrated, with just the right amount of textual information to help the physician perform the neurological work-up and arrive at a correct diagnosis. Contains a high proportion of clinical examination information, symptom discussion, and corresponding artwork, assisting the reader in making informed decisions. Focuses on the most common diseases and disorders -- those that are typical of what the non-neurologist is likely to see in his or her practice. Includes information on clinical and pathological appearances of neurological disorders, with a brief description of each; also covers the course, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, investigations, and principles of management for each disorder.