Winner of the prize for New Edited Book at The Royal Society of Medicine & The Society of Authors' Medical Book Awards, this textbook for medical students covers orthopaedics, trauma and rheumatology in one volume. It offers both core information regarding what the student needs to know about these specialties and an extensive series of cases with questions and answers that illustrate the thinking behind common everyday practice. The book offers a standard approach to history taking and physical examination, and relevant anatomy, highlighting the reasons for the different approaches within each specialty as required. Provides a comprehensive overview of musculoskeletal medicine and surgery perfectly tailored for the busy medical student Illustrated in full colour throughout Succinct coverage of essential topics helps aid understanding whilst avoid unnecessary detail thus saving time Uniform style of chapters throughout allows readers to easily scan through for the information required Useful summary boxes outline the main points of each condition including aetiology, pathology, epidemiology, clinical features, investigations, management and prognosis 100 case histories with questions illustrate the range of clinical problems that students will encounter during their clinical placements A new chapter on Sports and Exercise Injury A new restructured chapter on fractures pulls together the text into a more logical presentation of the subject Additional text on sports injuries to children will be included A refocused chapter on the multi-professional team approach to the management of musculoskeletal disorders An update of the therapeutics in all chapters 50 new case studies included.
PART - Student Consult for Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rheumatology2: PART - Student Consult for Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma...
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from ...
This is a new 3-volume, major reference work from the Oxford Textbook stable. The Oxford Textbook of Orthopedics and Trauma provides comprehensive coverage of the relevant background science, theory, practice,...
Key features: Focused – on diseases and clinical signs with additional detail on anatomy where appropriate International – enhanced coverage of 'global orthopaedics' reflect the changing pattern of musculoskeletal disease and trauma ...
FURTHER READING Abramson SB, Attur M, Yazici Y 2006 Prospects for disease modification in osteoarthritis. Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol 2: 304–312. Hawker GA 2006 Who, when, and why total joint replacement surgery? The patient's perspective.
7.10 Range of motion. (A1) Modified Schober technique (neutral. Shows movements of thoracic spin. (Source: Anatomy & Physiology, Adapted International edition, 2019.) Fig. 7.11 Shows Beevor's sign. (Source: Spine Core Knowledge in ...
Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Trauma at a Glance is the new edition of The Musculoskeletal System at a Glance.
This book provides an introduction to the basic sciences pertaining to the musculoskeletal tissues as well as to the clinical practice, i.e., diagnosis and treatment of the wide variety of disorders and injuries from which these tissues may ...
Fully revised, fifth edition presenting latest developments in orthopaedics. Includes new topics and more than 1300 clinical images and diagrams. Previous edition (9788184487442) published in 2010.
... Evaluated Types of Reliability Evaluated Pearson product moment (Pearson r) (association) (0.0 to 1.0) Intrarater Test-retest Interrater Parallel forms Percent agreement (includes chance agreement) Percent agreement (includes chance ...