Clinical Chemistry considers what happens to the body’s chemistry when affected by disease. Each chapter covers the relevant basic science and effectively applies this to clinical practice. It includes discussion on diagnostic techniques and patient management and makes regular use of case histories to emphasise clinical relevance, summarise chapter key points and to provide a useful starting point for examination revision. The clear and engaging writing style appreciated by generations of readers has been retained in this new (eighth) edition, while the content has been thoroughly updated throughout. The approach and scope of this trusted text makes it ideal for integrated medical curricula for medical training and for students and practitioners of clinical and biomedical science. The complementary online version of the book, including additional self-assessment material, completes this superb learning package. Comes with complete, downloadable eBook on Student Consult Additional self-assessment materials – interactive clinical cases and two tier level MCQs (‘standard’ and ‘advanced’) New introductory chapter on basic biochemistry - including solutions, solutes, ionisation, pH, buffers, amino acids, peptides and proteins, enzyme activity, including kinetic properties, DNA structure ‘Light bulb’ sections give practical advice and clarify difficult concepts or potential pitfalls Updated references to core guidelines (UK and international) reflect latest best practice
In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ, eds. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2010: Chapter 53. Chey WD, Wong BC. American College of Gastroenterology guideline on the ...
This edition not only covers the how of clinical testing but also places greater emphasis on the what, why, and when in order to help today's students fully understand the implications of the information covered, as well as the ...
The serial provides the latest and most up-to-date technologies related to the field of Clinical Chemistry and is the benchmark for novel analytical approaches in the clinical laboratory.
The serial provides the latest and most up-to-date technologies related to the field of Clinical Chemistry and is the benchmark for novel analytical approaches in the clinical laboratory.
The aldehyde group allows it to react nonenzymatically with a free amino group, of a polypeptide for example, to form a Schiff base (an aldimine), which can undergo an Amadori rearrangement to a ketimine (Figure 2.21) where the double ...
In this, the first book-length history of clinical chemistry, those involved or interested in the field will read about who and what went before them and how the profession came to its present state of clinical importance.
Protein Enrichment Quantitative top-down or intact mass spectrometric measurements of proteins require significant simplification of the matrix before being analyzed by MS. For some peptides and small proteins, this can be achieved ...
This book is designed to educate senior medical students, residents, and fellows, and to "refresh" the knowledge base of practicing clinicians on how tests are performed in their laboratories (i.e., method principles, interferences, and ...
The first edition of this book was published in 1983. This third edition has been thoroughly updated to account for the new knowledge gained since then, particularly in understanding the pathophysiology of many disease processes.
Kirk GD, Camus-Randon AM, Mendy M, Goedert JJ, Merle P, Trepo C, et al. Ser-249 p53 mutations in plasma DNA of patients with ... Lei KI, Chan LY, Chan WY, Johnson PJ, Lo YM. Diagnostic and prognostic implications of circulating ...