Oxford , Blackwell Scientific Publications . SWASH M. ( 1972 ) Status epilepticus . Br . J. Hosp . Med . 8 , 269 . CHAPTER XII . SUDDEN CONFUSION IN THE ELDERLY Dunn T. and ARIE T. ( 1973 ) Mental disturbance in the ill old person .
Coordinator and Instructor Guide [to] Advanced Medical Life Support
Practical study guide to the author's text: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies. Uses a question and answer and case study format. For students, practitioners, or residents.
Toxicologic Emergencies: A Handbook in Problem Solving
This handbook offers such professionals a broad range of clinically relevant information in an immediately accessible format.
Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured/Instructor's Resource Kit/Order
Atención y traslado de urgencia del enfermo y del lesionado
Atención y traslado de urgencia del enfermo y del lesionado
Medical Emergencies: In General Practice
For courses in basic and advanced traumalife support.
Instructor's Guide: Brady Paramedic Emergency Care