Best practice partnering in social housing development provides a seven-step model for developing new supply chain relationships and describes how best to approach and manage sustainable partnerships. In light of recent procurement guidance from the Housing Corporation and the Best Practice in Partnering Group (BPiPG), the report, which was developed initially from research funded by an Innovation and Good Practice Grant from the Housing Corporation, also examines the problems of achieving added value from the point of view of RSLs, consultants and contractors in the partnering process and how these can be overcome.
Black women in public housing: a report on the housing problems of black women in the London Boroughs of Wandsworth...
55 Edwards instigated a comprehensive restructure of the Trust in 1990, his last year as manager. He engaged Jan Connolly and Helen Hardwicke from the Public Sector Management Board to review regional services. They proposed a model, ...
Reform and Reaction: Housing Policy in Crisis
Focuses primarily upon African-American and white families, although data are also presented on Hispanics and Asians living in public housing.
Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland
L'habitation sociale: les clientèles et leur vécu, les modes de gestion, les solutions de rechange : synthèse de la littérature
Evaluation of the Single Survey Pilot: Single Survey Pilot Summary
The answer, as argued in this transformative new book, lies in establishing a Constitutional right to housing, large scale investment in a new model of public housing to meet social and affordable housing need, real reform of the private ...
We Call It Home begins in the 19th century, when the private sector failed to provide affordable housing for the poor.
Social Housing Policy in Ireland: New Directions