A retired school teacher discovers a family of four children fending for themselves and their invalid father after their mother deserts them. By the author of Cloud shadows.
"When her dishevelled, eight-year-old nephew Luke comes knocking on her door in the middle of the night, Iris Fay knows her sister Hazel is in trouble again.
Evaluation du Projet Familles en Lien au Coeur de la Beauce: Subventionne par le Regie Regionale dans le Cadre du...
Taylor Colby speaks his story of what it takes to pick up the remains of a shattered life and find renewed purpose and hope. It is the story of going back to the home that you thought you could never return to.
Deux portraits de femmes, deux soeurs orphelines, dont l'aînée protège la plus jeune. [SDM].
This report evaluates the effectiveness of a common assessment framework with families with complex needs in England.
C'est moi qui ai eu l'idée de la liste.
A young boy describes the frequent fights his parents have, explains how they make him feel scared and confused, and tells what he does to make himself feel better.
"The Johns family is unraveling.
At the age of fifteen Stephen begins having nightmares like the ones that drove his older brother away from home, and eventually the dreams lead to a discovery that is shocking but that ultimately allows his family to come back together.