Community health and wellness: a socioecological approach.
Other studies have cited cost and lack of employer - provided coverage as reasons for having no coverage ( Donelan , Blendon , Hill , Hoffman , Rowland , Frankel , & Altman , 1997 ) . Public programs are generally considered inadequate ...
Berlin , L. J. , Brooks - Gunn , J. , McCaron , C. , & McCormick , M. ( 1990 ) . The effectiveness of early intervention : Examining risk factors and pathways to enhanced development . Preventive Medicine , 27 ( 2 ) , 243–245 .
“ Wellness is a bridge that takes people into realms far beyond treatment or therapy — into a domain of self - responsibility and self - empowerment ” ( Ryan & Travis , 1991 , p . 3 ) . The student nurse has choices .
Maternal Newborn Nursing: Transparency Acetates
In 1988, the King's Fund Centre (KFC) set up the Nursing Developments Programme under the leadership of Jane Salvage to foster the development of nursing practice.
Designed for undergraduate nursing students, practicing community nurses and other health professionals, this second edition of Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing provides invaluable up-to-date strategies and frameworks ...
Community Psychiatric Nursing: A Social Perspective
Community Health Nursing: Resource Ideas
"This study seeks to explore the current or potential role of the Primary Health Nurse (PHN) in screening and monitoring, and referral of vunerable populations or groups within the South Western Sydney population"--P. 4.
Community Nursing Fifth Edition