Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Tabbner's Nursing Care Access Card

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Tabbner's Nursing Care Access Card
Gabrielle Koutoukidis


Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to Tabbner's Nursing Care: Theory and Practice, 8e, Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) is a fun and engaging way to focus your study time and effectively prepare for tutorials, lectures and exams. EAQ is comprised of a bank of high-quality practice questions that allows you to advance at your own pace - based on your performance - through multiple mastery levels for each chapter. A comprehensive dashboard allows you to view your progress and stay motivated. UNIQUE! Elsevier's trusted, market-leading content serves as the foundation for all questions, which are written, reviewed, and leveled by experienced educators and authors. UNIQUE! Essential test-taking tips and strategies help you learn how to successfully dissect and tackle different question types and improve test-taking skills for both course exams and summative exams. Confidence level indicators allow you to indicate your confidence when submitting answers, providing valuable insight into areas where you might be overconfident and require further study. UNIQUE! Practice in Study Mode, which provides immediate feedback, or in Exam Mode where the quiz is timed and results are summarised at the end. Engaging, easy-to-use interface ensures that you can navigate through the program with ease. Multiple mastery levels for each chapter allow you to progress from one level to the next based on your performance. A comprehensive dashboard allows you to view your personal learning progress with summaries of your strengths, weaknesses, mastery levels, and normative data. Over 2,800 questions aligned chapter-by-chapter to the learning outcomes of Tabbner's Nursing Care: Theory and Practice, 8e

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