The sixth edition of Community Health and Wellness has been fully revised and streamlined to incorporate contemporary thinking and research in community health and wellness from Australia, New Zealand and the global community. Written by Jill Clendon and Ailsa Munns, the new edition provides an easy-to-use text with a strong focus on the foundational principles of primary health care that underpin community health and wellness. The text builds on the unique socio-ecological approach to primary health care of previous editions, guiding readers to consider the health of individuals and populations in their personal, family and community environments. Ancillary resources and eBook available on Evolve Focus on primary health care across the lifespan, with an emphasis on health literacy and health promotion Chapter features include reflective practice and care planning for individuals, families and communities, case studies, interventions and evaluation Visit for your additional resources eBook on VitalSource Instructor resources: Critical Thinking Questions and Answers Image Collection PowerPoints Tutorial Activities Student and Instructor resources: Weblinks Online Care Plans Online Material Greater emphasis on nurses and other health practitioners working in partnership with people and communities Updated local case studies to support the practical application of knowledge to practice Additional signposted sources of knowledge online to promote engagement and further enquiry Comprehensive coverage on community assessment including a new community assessment framework Condensed and restructured table of contents New information on the importance of the early years including preconception New section on project planning to achieve community wellness Now includes an eBook with all print purchases
Written in an engaging style, this new edition features a common case study running throughout the text. 'The Miller Family' case study evolves so that the issues examined in each chapter are played out by each of the family members.
Community health and wellness: a socioecological approach.
Whether for class or clinical application, this book is a perfect resource for any nurse evaluating the health of a community, guiding a user step-by-step through an assessment.
An understanding of the social environment is still critical to the text but in this edition the settings such as school, workplace and cities are integrated throughout.
Starting from the premise that our health status, vulnerability to accidents and disease, and life spans – as individuals and communities – are determined by the organization, delivery, and financing (or lack thereof) of health care, ...
Applying a trans-disciplinary approach, this book provides a comprehensive, research-based guide to understanding, implementing, and strengthening sustainable community health in diverse international settings.
This book tells the story of one groundbreaking approach to medicine that attacks the problem by focusing on the wellness of whole neighborhoods.
Anthony Y.H. Fung, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. ... Cultural Policy (2016 under Palgrave Macmillan), Hong Kong Game Industry, Cultural Policy and East Asian Rivalry ...
Edwin H. Hamilton, M.D., D.Min., writes this provocative book introducing and establishing throughout the Black Church a program of Preventive Health Education through a Health and Wellness Ministry.
This book includes both theoretical conceptualizations and practice-based explorations.