Koala Conservation in the South-east Forests: Consultancy for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and State Forests of New...
Biological Conservation of the South-east Forests: Report of the Joint Scientific Committee to the Hon. Alan Griffiths, Minister for Resources,...
Vascular Plants of Conservation Significance in the South East Forests of New South Wales
Nutrients Another hypothesis for the development of hollow use is that eucalypts have evolved hollows to attract hollow-nesting fauna (Janzen 1976, Flannery 1994b). Faeces and nesting material from hollow-using fauna could be ...
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. 68 pp. ... The ecology of bats in south-east Australian forests and potential impacts of forestry practices: a review. ... Challenges for managing bats in the State forests of New South Wales.
Lindenmayer, D. B., and R. B. Cunningham. 1996. A habitat-based microscale forest classification system for zoning wood production areas to conserve a rare species threatened by logging operations in south-eastern Australia.
Catling P and Burt R (1995) Studies of the ground- dwelling mammals of Eucalypt forests in south-eastern NSW: the ... A report prepared for the Reserve Conservation Unit, New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, Queanbeyan.
Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna
The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands ofvictoria, south-east Aus tralia. IV. The distribution and abundance of arboreal marsupials in retained linear strips (Wildlife corridors) in ...
This book contributes to an understanding of the current conservation status of the amphibians of each region, aims to stimulate research into halting amphibian declines, and provides a better foundation for making conservation decisions.