With questionnaires that help you determine where you are heading on the longevity spectrum and advice about how to stay healthy, this book changes the conversation about living a long, healthy life.
A guide for the baby boomer generation counsels readers on how to maintain an active lifestyle for decades after leaving the workforce, drawing on expert interviews and the latest scientific research to cover such topics as maintaining the ...
The report reviews these recent trends and also discusses future directions for research on a range of topics that are central to current research in the demography of aging.
financial incentives to remain in work longer and encouraging employers to be more receptive to an age-diverse workforce is ... some of the barriers that seem to prevent many people from engaging in job-related learning later in life.
In this volume the editors and authors analyse, criticise, and rework the ideas, principles, and theories underpinning policies and programs of lifelong learning, re-interpreting them in the light of examples of `best practice' found in a ...
This is the sweeping story of a revolution with immense public and personal consequences: the doubling of the human life span.
Eyen the-ugh it is a usefttl teel. in a teenage-ris life, it can alse he the death ef them. hlany teens die trying te get heme hteause they are late fer cturfew. I hepe that yeu will he ene ef the smart enes and make a pact with year ...
When we see that the same thing applies to sentences from science or any other schooling type subjects, we immediately see why so many children pass early reading tests but cannot learn later on in other areas of learning subjectsā€¯.
older workers should not be judged by the learning abilities of the current elderly population. Second, because healthy life expectancy is increasing, cognitive decline is found to start later in life. Skirbekk et al.
And let your later years abort, When so much is there to see and do And learn and know and grow into? Why not pass longevity's test And live to see your later years Without health worries or personal fears? For long life gives you time ...