In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
This book offers remedies for dissatisfaction amongst lawyers and the public, and reform for everyone's benefit.
" Comprehensive Law Practice overviews the entire movement and provides training materials for lawyers, judges, mediators, and law students who want to be at the forefront of practicing law in these new forms.
The study of legal ethics and the legal profession has emerged as a distinct and important field of scholarship over the years. This book offers contemporary and non-mainstream perspectives on the shape of the legal profession.
NEW SOUTHWALES Law Reform Commission General Regulation: Legal Profession Discussion Paper No 1. Sydney: NSW Law Reform Commission, 1979a. ... NOONE, Mary Anne The State of Australian Legal Aid 2001, 29 Federal Law Review, 37–56.
This book is designed to help law students and new lawyers understand and modify their own ethical priorities, not just because this knowledge makes it easier to practise law and earn an income, but because self-aware, ethical legal ...