This study examined the prevalence of driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC), and DUIC and alcohol together, in an area of Australia with a high number of young cannabis users.
Ramsey, A. (1997) How John Howard Lost the Plot. Sydney Morning Herald, 13 September. Ramsey, A. (1998) From Howard to Hanson. Sydney Morning Herald, 20 June. Ramsey, A. (2000) Refuge of Scoundrels. Sydney Morning Herald, 11 March.
Novel psychoactive substances: Use and knowledge among adolescents and young adults in urban and rural areas. Hum Psychopharmacol, 30(4), 295–301. ... Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales.
In recent years the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research ( BOCSAR ) has published a list of " crime hotspots " for ... drug crimes , and serious driving crimes are also found in rural and regional areas of the State .
In L.D. Harrison, F.R. Scarpitti, M. Amir and S. Einstein (eds), Drug Courts: Current Issues and Future Perspectives. Vol. 3. ... Freeman, K. (2002) New South Wales Drug Court Evaluation: Health, Well-Being and Participant Satisfaction.
This text addresses important questions about Australia's population size and distribution which are likely to dominate the country's politics in the 21st century. The book's approach to the population question...
In an effort to find an historical precedent for the British drinking culture, Frank Boyce, writing in The Guardian, invokes the memory of Saint Pyr, a Welsh abbot, who 'got so bladdered one night in AD520, he fell down a well and ...
S.S.D.A. Catalogue, 1991: A Guide to the Social Science Data Holdings of the Social Science Data Archives, the Australian National...
This book will be of interest to those studying or researching in the fields of rural crime, critical criminology and sociology.