Prepare to be bowled over by the adventures of Toby Jones, a cricket mad boy with the ability to travel through time. The lives of Toby and his friends are also guarding a powerful secret. Using a magic copy of Wisden, Toby can visit the great cricket matches of the past and meet his heroes.
Grandma's Gift
Eight girls, eight books, eight points of view. The fast-paced ALL STARS netball series tells the story of the team's first season.
"Six delightful stories from the pen of Vola Ryan, illustrated by Stephen Stanley."--Back cover.
This collection from author Emily Rodda features the stories 'The Star Cloak', 'The Water Sprites', 'The Peskie Spell', and 'The Rainbow Wand'.
Written by award-winning and successful author, Robin Klein, and with amusing illustrations and photographs by Ann James, Penny Pollard s Scrapbook is guaranteed to join the ranks of the Penny Pollard classics, and delight a whole new ...
One of Australia s most favourite characters is back!Penny Pollard hates: old people, Annette Smurton (who has her own horse), wearing dresses, and doing homework. on a school excursion she meets someone just as rebellious as herself Mrs ...
SCORE: One point for each 'yes' answer3-5 You are definitely DOOMED! You will love this book.1-2 You are fairly DOOMED! You will love this book.0 You are DOOMED, you just don't realise it.