Black Saturday is Australia's worst national disaster. This book is the personal story of Black Saturday told by those that survived the flames and those who came to their help. It also contains accounts from journalists who covered the fires as well as first-hand tales from those who helped co-ordinate the emergency response.
How a bushfire starts and spreads - Damage and cost - Reducing damage - Policy debate - Bushfire research - Firefighters and their tools - Australia's worst fires - Times of greatest danger.
In 1894, Daniel and Carrie fight to survive as an uncontrollable forest fire threatens to destroy their small Minnesota mill town.
Shelley Peters and the Bushfire Mystery
Collins Soundbites is a series of readers for Key Stage 3 students with poor literacy skills. It contains three levels of graded, progressive readers, on cross-curricular topics that are particularly...
Prediction of Firefighting Resources for Suppression Operations in Victoria's Parks and Forests
Fire Storm: The Rodeo-Chediski Fire
A raging forest fire in the National Parks area of the Sierras traps a forest ranger and a young boy he suspects is an arsonist.
Every summer, wildfires spread through the forests of the western United States, threatening homes and entire communities in their paths. Hundreds of firefighters work tirelessly to control this extremely powerful...
2004. Effects of invasive alien plants on fire regimes. BioScience 54(7): 677-688. Brown, J. K. 1995. Fire regimes and their relevance to ... Pp. 171-178 in Proceedings of Society of American Foresters National Convention; 1994 Sept.
A Literature Review on the Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Severe Bushfires in South-eastern Australia