CHANG, W. and D.J. Smyth (1971): The existence and persistence of cycles in a nonlinear model: Kaldor's 1940 model re-examined. Review of Economic ... CHIARELLA, C. (1990a): The Elements of a Nonlinear Theory of Economic Dynamics.
The main purpose of this monograph is to give a detailed account of a contemporary, state-of-the art, macroeconometric model that is regularly used for policy advising, and for forecasting in commerce and industry.
As Ken Wallis (1993) has pOinted out, all macroeconomic forecasters and policy analysts use economic models.
Farrokh Langdana, Peter T. Murphy. Rudiger Dornbusch (1942–2002), a German-born MIT economist, entered this field with valuable contributions, particularly with regard to inflation-stabilization policies, debt and deficits, and prices ...
Macroeconometric Modelling of the German Economy in the Framework of Euroland
The book also examines the political economy of unemployment policy and the effect of this policy on productivity growth.
This book is an applications-oriented text designed for individuals who desire a hands-on approach to analyzing the effects of fiscal and monetary policies.
New Zealand 592-3 pre-Thatcher 528-31 in small economy 263-6; anticipated, permanent 263-5; anticipated, temporary 265; anticipated, unrealised 266; unanticipated 265 in Thatcherism 534-5, 536, 539 monetary sector: in Mundell-Fleming ...