Text for students and practitioners describing the role of clinical psychologists and how their work differs from that of other health professionals. Discusses topics such as the way in which the practice of clinical psychology has evolved, and suggests future directions. gives details of assessment and interventions strategies and critical issues in service provision and provides examples of work such as completed assessment and treatment reports, and diaries of typical working weeks. Includes references and an index. Also available in hardback. Martin is professor of psychology at the University of New England. His other publications include 'Psychological Management of Chronic headaches. Birnbrauer teaches clinical psychology at Murdoch University.
The text is designed for students in their first year of clinical psychology graduate training. * Includes assessment, treatment, and practice issues * Compares and contrasts different therapeutic styles * Exemplifies practical application ...
The text uniquely portrays clinical psychology as a modern health care profession that bridges physical and mental health and takes a holistic stance.
The book concludes with a wide-ranging consideration of likely future developments and challenges. The text also addresses key issues including ethics, diversity and team working.
This book provides specialists and nonspecialists alike with an overview of the diverse roles of the contemporary clinical psychologist.
This essential guide includes up-to-date information and guidance about a career in clinical psychology and gaining a place on clinical psychology training in the UK. It answers the questions all aspiring psychologists need to know, such as ...
The book covers foundational history, professional and training issues, clinical research considerations and methods, assessments and treatments for clinical conditions experienced across the lifespan, clinical considerations for diverse ...
... Stewart TAXATION Stephen Smith TEETH Peter S. Ungar TELESCOPES Geoff Cottrell TERRORISMA Charles Townshend THEATRE Marvin Carlson THEOLOGY David F. Ford Available soon: SHAKESPEARES TRAGEDIES Stanley Wells EUROPEAN UNION LAW Anthony ...
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology synthesizes these decades of literature in one extraordinary volume.
Undergraduate students who wish to know if postgraduate study in clinical psychology would be of interest to them will find this book particularly useful.
Uniquely integrative and authoritative, this volume explores how advances in social psychology can deepen understanding and improve treatment of clinical problems.