Nice Girls Just Don't Get It: 99 ways to win the respect you deserve, the success you've earned and the...

Nice Girls Just Don't Get It: 99 ways to win the respect you deserve, the success you've earned and the...
Hachette UK
Lois P. Frankel, Carol M. Frohlinger


Offering indispensable strategies and tactics for how to become happier and more successful in every aspect of your life. By the time you’ve finished reading this book, you’ll be transformed from a nice girl to a winning woman – forever. Have you ever felt invisible? Taken advantage of? Reluctant or unable to articulate what you really want? If so, join the club. The nice girls club. Nice girls are those who behave the way others want them to, sacrificing their own needs. Winning women, on the other hand, aren’t afraid to stand up to difficult people, set appropriate boundaries, and consider their own needs as well as the needs of others. Which would you rather be? In 2004, Lois P. Frankel’s bestselling book, Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office blew the lid off our long-held ideas about gender and success. Now Lois has teamed up with negotiation expert Carol Frohlinger to take this advice beyond the boundaries of the workplace and provide a broader set of knowledge and skills that any woman can use with anyone, anywhere, at any time. By the time you’ve finished reading Nice Girls Just Don't Get It, you’ll have learned how to: * Get your family to do their share of the housework * Send back a meal that isn’t prepared the way you ordered it * Politely decline when asked to do an unreasonably large favour * Confront a colleague who is shirking responsibility or taking credit for your work And much more...

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