This collection of punchy and provocative texts helps readers appreciate the qualities of literary non-fiction, through five thematic sections: Striking out My place Troubled times High times In search of truth Each section includes a ...
Written specifically for the new Ontario Locally Developed English Credit Courses ENG 1L and ENG 2L by Robin Pearson and Debbie J. Chambers, authors of the successful Break Away program for the OLC 40 (OSSLC).
Your Complete OSSLC Resource Program!Supporting the specific needs of the Ontario Grade 12 Literacy course OSSLCBreak Away has been designed to support the specific needs of the new Ontario Grade 12 Literacy Course (OSSLC).
Nine intriguing and astonishing stories by one of the most outstanding storytellers of our time.
Used by permission of Dell Publishing , a division of Random House , Inc. Cover Art : Pigeons , 1910 , John Sloan . Burnstein Collection / Corbis NOTE : This is a novel that changed an entire industry and evoked hostility , vituperative ...
"A Room Full of Leaves" from Not What You Expected by Joan Aiken, copyright © 1972, 1974 by Joan Aiken, reprinted by permission of ... "The Man He Killed" from The Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy, edited by James Gibson, Macmillan, 1978.
The Toffee Man
Julie Taylor Lucky Dip John Townsend Burke and Hare : The Body Snatchers Kingdom of the Man - eaters Raiders of the ... of the Hawkstone Mr Punch Spots John Townsend Back on the Prowl Beware the Morris Minor A Minute to Kill Night Beast ...
A series of graded readers for children and young adults learning English from beginner to upper intermediate level.
Sense and Feeling